Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bojjannakonda - Buddhist Sculptures

Sankaram is a small village which is over SixKilometers from Anakapalli, Visakhapatnam Dist (A.P), India. There are two low contiguous rock hills running east and west which are locally known as Bojjannakonda. They contain some notable Buddist remains. Three huge stupas at three different places were cut with great difficulty from the rocks in these hills. The biggest of these is about nine meters in diameter. On the eastern side of the hills is a rock cut temple with numerous Buddist Sculptures and also a life size statue of Budda. Sankaram is a place of archaeological importance.

These sculptures are found in the year 1890 by the Britishers and also found gold coins in excavation of the ruins. The tourists particularly from Sri Lanka, Japan, China, Thailand and south asian countries are visiting this place continuously

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